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Tympanoplasty is the surgical operation that repairs the eardrum in order to improve hearing. This operation may involve the repair or reconstruction of the bones of the middle ear behind the eardrum.
Eardrum is a membrane between the middle ear and external ear, which vibrates in response to sound waves. Chronic ear infections, surgical operations or traumas may damage the eardrum or the bones of the middle ear. This damage leads to hearing loss and increases the risk of middle ear infection.
How is an Eardrum Perforated?
There are various reasons for eardrum perforations. Eardrum perforation may result from chronic infection or trauma to the eardrum. This might be due to an object that enters the ear canal. Hot liquid may also perforate the eardrum.
Before Tympanoplasty
Before tympanoplasty, various hearing tests are conducted to document the patient’s hearing loss and information about the structure and condition of the ear is acquired. The more the hearing loss is, the sooner the operation should be performed. The eardrum will be examined before the operation with the help of a surgical microscope.
Patients should inform their doctors if they are using blood thinners. They should listen to their doctors’ instructions and suggestions about whether they should stop using them.
Tympanoplasty Surgery
Tympanoplasty procedure can be applied if the eardrum perforation is big or if the patient has chronic ear infection that cannot be cured. The surgeon makes a small incision behind the ear and reaches the eardrum in order to repair it and fixes the eardrum by benefiting from tissue around the ear.
If the tympanoplasty procedure is implemented for infection, then the surgeon cleans the infection in the middle ear or the ear bone. If necessary, it is possible to repair or reconstruct the middle ear bones. The operation lasts for 2 to 3 hours.
After Tympanoplasty
After tympanoplasty, patients are discharged from the hospital on the same day of the surgery. After the procedure, the doctor bandages up the patient’s ear by filling it in with special packing material that will help recover sooner. The bandage should stay there for 5 to 7 days.
After tympanoplasty, it is usual to feel dizzy and discomfort, to hear extraordinary voices and have some bleeding. Patients might have earache and feel as if their ears are full of liquid. In addition, they can hear ringing or burst sounds in the ear. These symptoms will disappear in a couple of days.
What are the Risks?
Tympanoplasty involves some risks. Among these risks are bleeding, infection, and allergic reaction to anesthesia and medication given during the procedure. Complications due to eardrum repair surgery are rare. Damage to the facial nerves, hearing loss due to the damage to the middle ear bones, partial recovery of the eardrum, abnormal enlargement of the skin are some examples of these rare complications.
You should consult your doctor if there is blood or fluid draining from the ear and if they smell bad, if you are complaining about severe dizziness, if your pain gets worse, and if your ear is swollen and itchy.
What Should the Patient Do After Tympanoplasty?
Eardrops might be given to the patient and they should be used properly and regularly. During recovery, it is significant to avoid getting water in the ear canal. The patient should avoid swimming and try to avoid water when taking a shower. Sneeze with mouth open and prevent pressure in the ears. Also, avoid nose- blowing.
The patient must stay away from crowd and people with a risk of illness. Any kind of illness might increase the risk of ear infection.
Avoid using cotton buds and earphones. Although there might be itchiness, the patient mustn’t touch their ear.
After tympanoplasty, avoid vigorous exercise and contact sports. Since each case is different, the surgeon should inform their patient about the specific details of post-surgical care.